Monday, June 23, 2014

Up and At 'em

There's a flurry of activity here in the fellowship hall of the church we are staying in as we stuff our faces with breakfast and put our sack lunches together. Some of the groups will have to be heading out before 8 O'clock (including my group).  Most seem to be more awake that I thought they would be given that because of all the orientation activities and such, we had to delay bed-time a little bit more than it is going to be the rest of the week.  There are a few zombie faces, including our Minister of Music.

Yesterday was a blur with all the traveling and orientation with no access to wi-fi, so until Friday expect to see more posts from other authors besides myself.  For me, the best part of yesterday was deep dish pizza!  Sorry my New England friends, I have to inform you it is way better than New Haven my humble opinion.

More later,


  1. Look at your happy faces. Im so happy for all of you and that this experience will be a great one for all. Miss you Will.

  2. Keep the pictures and updates coming. Thanks so much David.

  3. Hey group Archer Heighrs was working hard all day. The kids completely organized the thrift store storage area that was full with items back to 2003. Upon completion Margaret said " Bless you it is the parting of the Red Sea and the burning bush all at once".
