Monday, July 14, 2014

Brae's reflection

My first mission trip was an experience I would never take back. Chicago was an opportunity of a lifetime and I am so glad I went. For me, everyone in our group got to really know each other during this trip and it really improved the outcome. We became more like a family. I had never been to Chicago before so this was definitely new to me and sometimes new to everyone else. It's heartbreaking to see people struggle when you know you have it better, wherever you are, but in Chicago, DOOR gave us the chance TO help and make a difference. If we bring back what we learned in Chicago to Hartford or even narrowing it down to Immanuel, we can really impact Connecticut. It wouldn't make sense if we just went to Chicago and helped there. The whole point of the mission trip was to realize what we could do on our own, without somebody scheduling us or giving us directions. Chicago was a stepping stone to our success in helping communities. Everybody in that church benefited from that trip whether they realize it or not. “The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” - Barack Obama. This group did go out and do something. We helped the Chicago community and some of those places/areas we cleaned really did improve with our work. We did it Immanuel Chicago 2014, we did it.

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