Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Maggie's Reflection

Our trip to Chicago was everything I imagined and more. I know that's cliché, but I've never found a more appropriate use for the phrase. For many different reasons, last week meant so much more than just a trip to Chicago. In particular, there were two things that really made the trip memorable and meaningful for me...

First, and aside from all the new people I met on our journey, the youth group became a lot closer as a whole. Although sometimes we disagreed on things or needed some guidance, I really believe that this trip helped us to think and act as a unit. We made great memories and learned so much together.

Second, I learned not to be afraid of people and situations that might be different from what I'm accustomed to.  I'll never forget our train ride to the First Church of the Brethren for the first time.  A man sitting nearby started talking to us.  At first, he seemed reserved, but his eyes got wide when we told him the stop where we were getting off.  He started shaking his head and told us that we were heading into the most crime-filled area of the city. This was not the right thing to mention to a couple of squeamish teenagers as we disembarked.  After hearing this, I nervously and cautiously walked down the street to our church for that first time.

But as the week progressed, and after talking to some of the residents and
seeing their faces light up after simply flashing them a smile, I came to a
realization. These people are just like everyone else. They are no different than the people in Hartford. So, when we were leaving and walking down the same street back to our train for the very last time on Friday, I felt just as comfortable as I would feel walking though West Hartford Center.  It felt like all the happy faces along our route had become our friends. We can make our little corner of Woodland and Farmington feel the exact same way.

I can't wait to share all we learned with the church and bring our new tools to Hartford to make it the best it can be!


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